Monday, August 12, 2013

This Weekend I...

Hola amigos!

I figured I should try to start writing more regularly. So here's my weekend wrap-up. What did I do this weekend?

Other than an amazing Thursday night with TheyCallHerMeghan....Nothing.

But Thursday, I finally got to meet Meghan and after driving around for over an hour looking for a country bar that doesn't even exist anymore we found...Shotgun Bettys.

It was a fun little country bar. I got to have some AMAZING tasting drinks, not to mention sharing Meghan's first shot experience with her!

Seriously though, I love this girl. I was a little afraid of meeting her but as soon as we did, we just clicked. Just like we did online. She's seriously one of my best friends. 

Other than that I literally did nothing. Laid around in my apartment, laid by the pool. Was LAZY as all hell. This is how I am until school starts. Then, who knows?

Oh, except I did try a new church with my friend Nicole who is back in town. I really enjoyed it. The pastor was so real and down-to-earth. I liked it and may go back. But I also want to check out a few others. We'll see what happens. God is good. He'll figure it out.

Linking Up:

Sami's Shenanigans

1 comment:

  1. I had a few butterflies right before meeting you, but once we were together they were gone! I'm not exactly sure where my church home is any more, so yay for trying out new churches :D
